Office branding has the potential to make a real difference to your company’s image, as well as create a working environment that really inspires your employees. It is so much more than just putting the logo on your wall.
In the latest instalment of our office branding series Peter Ames, aided by Ann Clarke of Claremont Group Interiors, looks at why it’s worth considering.
1. Make the right impression
You only get one chance to make a first impression and your office may well be one of the first things a client or visitor sees about your business. A well designed office that supports your brand identity and values will help you stand out in an increasingly competitive world. This is something we've tried to embrace in our own meeting rooms here at Genie.
2. Invest in your staff
Happy staff are productive staff. A well designed inspiring workplace can encourage staff to produce their best work. Ann says, “This is more subtle than overt branding, this is about reflecting your values, vision and behaviours in your working environment. Done well and this can be very powerful.”
3. Attract the best
We work the longest hours in Europe so it’s perhaps not surprising that workers are putting more importance on the working environment when considering a new job. A fantastic working environment will help you to attract and retain the very best calibre staff. Ann says, “Having a workplace that is liberating, motivating and inspiring says a lot about you and can be a real driver in getting the right people to come and work for you.”
4. Look in the mirror
One of the potentially unexpected bonuses of office branding is to take a step back and look at your business. Ask yourself what is your brand? Does it really reflect who you are, what you stand for or how you work? Has your identity become lost along the way?
A great example of this is BDO in Manchester who had no shared or collaborative space prior to its office redesign. Claremont designed ‘The Village Green’; a breakout space that has been a real hit. It’s encouraged workers to collaborate and communicate both at work and break times and has also brought staff from other companies into the building to meet friends. This space supports BDO’s brand identity and cultural values.
So, why not see what changes you can make? Look into things like collaborative, creative spaces or alternatively see if you can introduce more flexible working patterns and bring in some desk sharing schemes. There is a whole world of working practises you could consider.
5. Tell your story
Most businesses recognise the power of their website to tell their story and who they are. Use your office to do the same. After all, it’s one of your largest overheads, why not make it work harder for your business. At Genie we're really proud of being a Cambridge business and we've emphasised with with our mural; inspired by the view at the end of the street.
Passionate about interiors and their impact on business performance, Ann Clarke is Claremont Group Interiors’ joint managing director and has been instrumental in the development of Claremont’s design and workplace consultancy services. Ann continues to be involved in project delivery and works as design director across the business.