Falkirk Road

Grangemouth FK3 936 views
Office Suite
Meeting Room
Serviced offices Get prices

Prices and availability for this property change daily, so the advertiser is unable to provide accurate details. However, get in touch and they will talk you through the latest deals.

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These modern offices range in size from 300 - 3000 sq ft and come complete with plenty of onsite parking as well as an onsite management team to ensure the standard of the offices stays at an excellent quality.

Call our partners Officio on 0203 053 3890 and say you saw it on Office Genie, or send an email.

Located within easy reach of Falkirk with both major cities also being within 30 miles away.


  • CCTV
  • Manned Security
  • Alarm Security

Comms / IT

  • Broadband Access
  • Cabling
  • Telephone System
  • WiFi


  • Twenty Four Hour Access
  • Disabled Access Facilities
Location Grangemouth FK3
  • West Mains Industrial Estate
    0.1 miles
  • Falkirk Grahamston
    2.4 miles
  • Edinburgh
    25.8 miles

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